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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most common questions we get from people. If you can't find what you're looking for, please visit our contact page and send us an e-mail with your question.

Click the tabs below to reveal the different sections.


1. Where can I buy Herbalife products?

Herbalife products are available exclusively through our online store. Choose your country from the store drop down menu for more info on the products. Don't live in the UK or US? No problem! Let us know where you're from by e-mailing us via the contact page. Herbalife is located in over 90 countries so chances are we can help you. Please tell us your nutrition and fitness goal when you contact us so we can recommend the right products for you. We'll get back to you within 48 hours.

2. What is the Herbalife programme?

Herbalife is a scientifically formulated, cellular nutrition programme. It is centred around our unique high-energy, protein-rich, nutritional shake or meal replacement shake, Formula 1. It is used in conjunction with one or more food supplements containing important vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and nutritional herbs. The Herbalife programme has been used for weight control and health enhancement since 1980, by millions of individuals around the world. The programme should be used only as part of a calorie controlled diet.

3. Are Herbalife products natural?

Yes. Herbalife's products are based entirely on nutrition and herbs. The products do not use drugs, medication, hormones, or other synthetic agents to promote weight loss, muscle gain, or weight maintenance. All ingredients in the Herbalife products must fulfil three important factors: purity, potency and stability. This is how we maintain the high level of quality associated with the Herbalife name. All products have been tested for banned substances so you can have complete confidence in our products.

4. Can everyone use Herbalife?

Yes. Since Herbalife products are natural, nutritional food supplements, they're safe for everyone. Certain individuals including children, pregnant or lactating women, insulin dependent diabetics and those with compromised kidney functions are advised to consult with their physician before beginning this or any other weight management programme.

5. Does the Herbalife programme work?

Herbalife is underpinned by science. Clinical studies show that daily use of the healthy meal shake as part of a calorie controlled diet, is proven effective for managing weight, along with moderate exercise. Work hard and stick to the plan and you will get amazing results.

6. Is exercise part of the Herbalife programme?

We encourage clients to follow a healthy lifestyle that includes good nutrition, regular exercise, moderation in the use of alcohol and avoiding tobacco use. The Herbalife program works even if individuals do not or cannot exercise. Many people cannot exercise because of serious injuries or other health problems. Even these individuals can use the Herbalife programme to successfully lose weight.

7. what are good choices for snacks?

Protein based snacks around 150 calories are best for mid morning and mid afternoon. The protein bars and soya beans are great, but you can also use things like low fat cottage cheese/oat cakes, dried nuts (not salted), fruit, cooked chicken pieces and tuna (spring water or brine) - portion control is important. Try to vary your snacks so you get variety. Fresh and dried fruits are good combinations but carry less protein and can sometimes leave you feeling hungry (particularly citrus fruits) so these should be mixed in as part of a balance.

8. if your products are so good, why aren't they available in shops?

Firstly, today many shoppers prefer the higher level of personalised care afforded by direct sales. The personalised approach gives consumers an opportunity to work closely with someone who gets to understand their specific needs.

Secondly, instead of spending thousands of dollars to put up an advertisement campaign or TV commercial, Herbalife's products sell by their incredible reputation and success via word-of-mouth, which is most effective. Ask yourself, which is a more prudent way of choosing nutritional supplements or a weight management programme? A carefully crafted TV commercial or newspaper ads with well known actresses endorsing them, or from someone you trust who has used the programme/products and have lasting results?

Herbalife has led the way for more than 30 years in direct sales network marketing. For information on direct selling, visit the website of the Direct Selling Association (www.dsa.org), of which Herbalife is a member.

9. Can I use Herbalife products if I'm currently under the care of a doctor or taking medication?

If you are under a doctor's care, have been diagnosed with a condition or are taking prescribed medications, you should have a conversation with your healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet or lifestyle, including the use of dietary supplements or meal replacement products.

10. Can Herbalife products prevent/cure diseases like diabetes, cancer and thyroid conditions?

No. Herbalife products do not cure diseases, nor are they a substitute for medical treatment or medications. Our protein shakes and snacks, vitamins and nutritional supplements, energy and fitness drinks, skin and hair care products, combined with healthy eating and exercise, contribute to a healthy, active life.

11. How do I talk to my doctor about Herbalife products?

It's very easy to discuss the products with your doctor. Remove the Herbalife ingredient label from the product container and bring it to the doctor (or bring the container). Then simply ask the doctor: "Is there any ingredient on this label that you have a problem with me taking?".

Muscle Gain/Tone

1. Are the products good for muscle gain/tone?

Absolutely! Herbalife's programmes work around cellular nutrition. In a single Formula 1 shake (220kcal) you get the same amout of nutrition as you would from a healthy meal consisting of approx 2000kcal of normal food. If you are aiming to build muscle you should have anything from 2-3+ shakes a day in addition to normal meals.

2. Will the original products work well for building muscle or should I go for the HERBALIFE 24™ product line?

You will get far using the regular products. These are recommended to anyone and everyone! Herbalife24 is like the fuel for the Ferrari. It's a more expensive product line and is aimed at serious gym junkies, athletes and sports people.

3. How many shakes should I have a day for muscle gain/Tone?

If you are aiming to build muscle you should have anything from 2-3+ shakes a day in addition to your normal meals. We also recommend you mix a scoop of the personalised protein powder in with the shake as this way you can personalise the amount of protein you need.

4. Why do I need the tablets with the shakes?

Tablets like for example Formula 2 (multivitamin complex) will help you maximise your results. They are important because you need micronutrients to be able to properly absorb protein as well as other macronutrient content. Protein on its own is not enough. This product is designed to compliment the nutrition found in the Formula 1 shake.

Weight Loss/Maintenance

1. What's the difference between other weight loss programmes to Herbalife?

Herbalife is No.1 in the world when it comes to weight loss. Every third meal replacement shake consumed around the world, is a Herbalife shake. The products are used by millions of people around the world, every day. The Herbalife weight loss nutrition plan focuses on not just the weight loss, but maintaining and/or increasing lean muscle mass and improving overall health. Herbalife maximises cellular nutrition through unique, scientific formulations. It's the selected blends of high-quality ingredients, the methods used to preserve their nutrient value and the way we personalise programmes to address each individual's needs. It's the Herbalife advantage.

2. Do you lose weight because you skip meals?

No. Herbalife's calorie reduced programme encourages participants to eat 3-6 meals daily. 1-2 usual meals are in the form of our nutritionally balanced healthy meal shake, you should also have up to 3 healthy snacks and 1-2 normal healthy meals of your choice. Diets which require people to skip meals are unhealthy and stimulate binge eating, so eating often (in the form of healthy snacks between meals/shakes) is important and keeps the metabolism running. We have a great list of healthy meals and snacks under our recipes section.

3. Is Herbalife a "liquid protein" or starvation diet?

Definitely not! Herbalife is neither of these. Our programmes supply at least 1,200 calories daily and are nutritionally balanced so individuals can lose weight safely and effectively, and just as importantly, keep the weight off. "Liquid protein" diets, which encourage the use of nutritionally unbalanced protein-based drinks, or starvation diets which reduce calories so low (less than 500 calories daily) that people literally starve to lose weight are both extremely unhealthy and have less than 20% long term success.

4. How much weight will I lose on a 30-day weight loss programme?

Everyone is different and will get different but fantastic results. Work hard and stick to the plan and you will get amazing results.

5. Can I have just the shakes for weight loss?

Shakes on their own are great for good nutrition, however you will need a full programme with tablets for weight loss.

6. It's too expensive, I just can't afford it right now.

How much do you spend on your meals at the moment? With a full Herbalife nutrition/weight loss program you're getting 1-2 meals per day, all your tablets and warm drinks. Most people spend more than that on one meal alone.

7. I started losing weight, but the process has stopped. Why?

First of all, weight is not the only measure of results. Be sure to also pay attention to inch loss. Your body may be switching from fat to muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat but takes up less space, which means you may be getting slimmer but your weight remains almost the same. Be patient. Eventually your weight loss will catch up on the scale.

In any weight loss program involving a significant amount of weight, there will be periods when the body has to consolidate the positive changes that have happened to it, by slowing down or even stopping the weight loss process. Don't worry, you just have to bear with this period while your metabolic rate is changing. This process may sometimes take up to several weeks. You need to realise that excess weight accumulated over years and decades, cannot disappear in a couple of months. Sometimes it's a long term project, which demands serious commitment.

If you have truly hit a “plateau", get in contact with us. We're here to help. Don't forget, you've got the best weight loss support system in the world in front of you.

Shakes & Tablets

1. What are the components that make Herbalife Formula 1 Shakes a healthy satisfying meal?

Formula 1 shakes provide high-quality soy protein, milk protein, healthy carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to provide the cells of your body what they need for optimum health. You will be able to tell the difference from your usual breakfast after the very first shake.


Yes. Men and women both require the same nutrition daily, we are no different in that sense other than that we all require different amounts of nutrients, depending on our goal. Numerous scientific studies demonstrate the benefits of soy protein for heart health when included as part of a healthy nutrition programme.


We all require the same nutrition daily to stay alive. Herbalife is unique in that it focuses on nutrition at a cellular level. In a single Formula 1 shake (220kcal) you get the same amout of nutrition as you would from a healthy meal consisting of approx 2000kcal of normal food. Research shows that drinking 1-2 shakes a day and eating 1-2 healthy meals (plus healthy snacks) will lead to weight loss. You are still getting all the nutrition your body needs but in less calories. Having 1 shake a day and 2 healthy meals will help you maintain and keep the weight off. If you are aiming to build muscle you should have anything from 2-3 shakes a day in addition to normal meals. Formula 1 shakes are the ideal meal for everyone, whether you want to lose weight, build muscle or simply stay in shape.

4. What's the difference between the new Protein Drink Mix, Formula 1 and Personalised Protein Powder?

Formula 1 is our core product. It's a healthy meal consiting of macro and micronutrients such as protein, carbs, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals which is normally mixed with regular milk or soy milk. Protein Drink Mix should be prepared as a tasty, calorie controlled high-protein snack, mixed in water, or you can add it to your favourite shake, for an indulgent, rich, creamy drink. The Personalised Protein Powder contains pure protein and should be mixed in with either Formula 1 or Protein Drink Mix.


Yes. Try mixing with juice, hazelnut, soy or semi skimmed milk (change from what you currently use), use a blender and add in some berries or other fruit, maybe try adding a few ice cubes or crushed ice! Visit our recipes section for more information.


Mix them and put them in the fridge for a few hours or overnight. We recommend not doing this with Cookies and Cream as the crunchy bits will lose their crunch. You can also try adding a banana and/or mixing with ice cubes in a blender.


Keep in mind that the products should be kept at room temperature or less, we recommend that you don't keep them in areas subject to humidity or direct sunlight. Refrain from keeping in areas exposed to moisture. Also, do not store in vehicles where temperatures can become extreme. We recommend that the product be properly closed/sealed after each and every use in its original container.


The tablets work alongside the shakes to aid better nutrition and get better results. Having the shakes with the tablets gives you 100% of your RDA. Shakes alone is not a Herbalife programme.


We have a tablet crusher to help with this, please get in contact for more info.


Keep in mind that the products should be kept at room temperature or less, we recommend that you don't keep them in areas subject to humidity or direct sunlight. Refrain from keeping in areas exposed to moisture. Also, refrain from storing in vehicles where temperatures can become extreme. We recommend that the product be properly closed/sealed after each and every use in its original container.

Herbalife 24™


Herbalife24 is a comprehensive performance nutrition range designed for everyone, whether you’re a gentle jogger, gym junkie or an elite athlete, Herbalife24 has all the products you need to help you prepare, train and recover.


The range is customisable based on your specific training schedule. Take training, performance and recovery to the next level with our 24-hour sports nutrition line. The products differ from the original product line. For example, unlike the regular Formula 1, the new Formula 1 Sport contains more whey protein than soy.


As with all other Herbalife products, the Herbalife24 line is sold exclusively through our online store. Note that some products are not available in certain countries.

Business Opportunity

1. How can I sell your products?

If you're interested in selling Herbalife products, please e-mail us using the form on our contact page and we'll get back to you with info within 48 hours. Once you're a distributor, we provide tools and training for running your business.

2. Can I buy products without becoming a distributor?

Yes. We would value having you as a customer. Herbalife products are sold exclusively through independent distributors and are not available in shops.

3. Don't I need to have a nutritionists qualification?

No. We have the world's top scientists in the field of nutrition working on product development. As a Herbalife distributor you'll be trained in how to develop personal nutrition plans for yourself and for your clients. You won't be left to stand alone, as we will be there to offer guidance at every step.

4. Do I need to keep stock in order to sell products to customers?

No. Herbalife has warehouses in most countries it operates in. Orders are made online and can be shipped directly from the warehouse to the customer so there is no need to keep stock.

5. What is a pyramid scheme and how does it differ from a MLM? What makes Herbalife a legitamate MLM company?

Some people may have misconceptions that Herbalife is an "illigal pyramid scheme". Simply put, an illegal pyramid scheme awards payments to participants for the simple act of signing up other participants. A legitimate multi-level marketing company, like Herbalife, pays compensation to participants based on the sale of product to satisfy demand by end-users.

Herbalife distributors/members are compensated solely based upon activity supporting their product sales (which includes retail profit from direct sales to customers) and the product sales of the distributors in their "downline". Nothing is earned by Herbalife distributors for mere recruitment or for converting a customer to a distributor/member. This business model is referred to as multi-level marketing.

In a multi-level marketing model, distributors/members become eligible for increased discounts or "commissions" only when and because the new distributors/members in their downlines purchase Herbalife products for consumption and/or for resale to consumers.

Most members join simply to receive a discount on products they consume, some join to make part-time income as well, and a small percentage join in search of full-time income.